ACBO 2024 Fall Conference CFP

ACBO 2024 Fall Conference
October 28-30, 2024

Hyatt Regency Mission Bay Spa And Marina | San Diego

Please answer all questions and be sure to press submit at the end to complete the submission process.

Propose a Session 

ACBO invites you to propose a session for the 2024 Fall Conference. 

Please submit your proposal by or before August 28th for consideration. 

Conference sessions (content portion) will range from 50 to 80 minutes -- included Q&A -- in length depending on the needs of the schedule and may be either general or breakout sessions. 

Acceptance letters will be sent mid-September to the session coordinator/lead presenter.  

We are looking for proposals that will fit into the following conference strands:

  • Student Success
  • Legislative & Regulatory
  • Fiscal Affairs
  • Nuts & Bolts Training
  • Organizational Change Leadership
  • General/Other


The Session Coordinator/Lead Presenter is the single point of contact for communications purposes. That individual will keep co-presenters apprised of session information and will provide ACBO with all presenter information and updates. Any session updates are the responsibility of the Session Coordinator.

By submitting a proposal, I am also indicating my availability to present between October 28-30, 2024, in San Diego, CA, and I will hold those dates open until status notifications are made.

Contact/Session Coordinator Information

First Name: *
Last Name: *
Title: *
College/Company: *
Cell Phone: *

Note: Your cell phone number is only for critical session planning purposes and /or on-site emergencies. It will not be used or shared for any other purpose.

Email: *

Session Information

Proposed Session Title: *

Note: Please make sure you “market” the session by making title and description appealing and informative. We encourage seven (7) words or less on titles

Proposed Session Description (50 words or less) *
Session Format (select one) *

Clear Selection

Audio/Visual Needed (Check all that apply)

Note: A laptop and projector will be provided in each room. If you prefer to bring your own laptop or Mac that is an option.
Other Audio/Visual (Please specify)

Other Presenters/Panelists: (note: for panel moderator, please place an *asterisk next to moderator name)

Presenter 1 Name:
Presenter 2 Name
Presenter 3 Name


Fields marked with * are required.

Your form submission WILL be encrypted using SSL to ensure your privacy.

PO Box 1017 | Sacramento, CA 95812-1017
916.443.2226 |
2024 Association of Chief Business Officials - ACBO
All Rights Reserved.